Sunday, October 22, 2006

My nephew, isn't he a cutie!

I just wanted to post a picture that I took of Michael, my nephew over Thanksgiving weekend... He's just so cute!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Who's In Charge? That's Me!

Well, I survived my first shift as "Teacher In Charge" today. When the principal and vice-principal are both gone on the same day, a teacher needs to be responsible for the ins and outs of their job i.e. getting kids in trouble :) I only had to do it for one period today, and had another teacher helping me (as I was a little nervous), but I survived! I get to do another period tomorrow as well. I had to sign a few late/absence slips for some truancy's and deal with another student who was kicked out of class... Not too bad for my first day. It does however let me know that perhaps being a principal/vp might not be what I want... It was a bit of a drag (not that I did even a quarter of what they do on a day-to-day basis).

Now, I look forward to the fact that tomorrow is Friday and we are heading to Bancroft for the girls' rugby team's final regular season game. I'm not sure I have been a great coach, but I have certainly learned a lot and had a great time. If we don't win tomorrow we will have a perfect losing record, but it's been great fun regardless.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It's About Time.

It seems that everyone I know is blogging now, so I figured, hey, I should start. It's about time. Who knows what I will blog about, but I'll figure out something. I could rant about Gilmore Girl's, or perhaps show off some scrapbook pages... Who knows. Really, I am sure it will be yet another way that I can (and am right now) procrastinate the huge pile of marking that I always seem to have! Stay tuned for some surefire exciting topics! :)